Our Relocation Adventure to Valencia with Match Better Valencia

“My fascination with Valencia began during my studies at the Hotelschool Koksijde, where an internship in Valencia was planned. Unfortunately, due to the COVID pandemic, it was canceled, but Valencia always remained in my thoughts. Years later, plans with my girlfriend to move abroad took shape, and we chose Spain for its language and culture. Ultimately, we settled on Valencia, a city we both found beautiful and where I wanted to realize my dream of working.

Our adventure started with a detailed discussion of our plans and desires. Marja and her team put together a step-by-step plan, including the application for our NIE number, and helped us search for rental houses. The last few weeks before moving were intense; everything in Valencia happens much more last-minute, which was a big adjustment compared to the Netherlands.

Only two weeks before our planned move-in date, when we flew to Valencia for a week, everything gained momentum. Match Better Valencia had organised numerous viewings and were always available to guide us in person or by phone. After our move, they supported us with finalising our NIE application so that we could really start our new life.

Without the help of Match Better Valencia, we could not have embarked on this adventure. As foreigners who do not speak Spanish fluently, it is nearly impossible to navigate the bureaucracy on our own. At the municipality, they speak hardly any English, and applications for housing and jobs are often simply not responded to. Applying for an NIE is also a complex process without knowledge of the Spanish system. We are immensely grateful for all the help, patience, and guidance from Match Better Valencia, who led us through the chaos and helped us feel at home in our new city.”