Valencia, Europe’s HUB for technology and innovation

Valencia is committed to becoming the new Silicone Valley of Europe. Valencia as the HUB in terms of technology and innovation. That sounds like music to the ears for many, but is it achievable? It is indeed an ambitious goal and Valencia has a lot of ingredients to realize this.
Why Valencia?
Valencia is a city with a pleasant Mediterranean climate and a high quality of life. The city is centrally located on the Mediterranean Sea and has a good connection with the rest of the world. It has a good road network, high-speed train, more than 50 commercial destinations by plane and a large port. Valencia is a knowledge city with history; Valencia has been a university city since 1499 and now has more than 65,000 students a year. Valencia has been committed to being a Smart City for years and therefore being able to respond quickly to new developments and be able to work sustainably.
Technology and innovation in the port of Valencia
The marina of Valencia has attracted major sporting events such as the America’s Cup and Formula 1 from 2007 to 2013. When it turned out that the 2020 Olympic Games would not be held in Madrid and Valencia would therefore not host the water sports of this event, the development started in the port as a knowledge and innovation center. Juan Roig (owner of the supermarket chain Mercadona) founded the Businessschool EDEM together with 25 Valencian entrepreneurs. Lanzadera is in the adjacent complex. Here, startups get the opportunity to develop, manifest themselves, find investors and thus grow into a valuable company. Examples are Jeff (laundry service for individuals and companies), Zeleros (they develop the Hyperloop for Europe), Growpro (a platform for international students).
Other former dockyards in the port of the America’s cup house companies such as: BioHub VLC (lifestyle and science), Idacom (IT-services), Tecneca (digital projects), Innsomnia (coworking) and Angels Capital (invest).
Collaboration with Invest in VLC
Invest in VLC is an initiative of the municipality, the Chamber of Commerce and commercial parties in Valencia to attract interesting foreign investors and quality companies. Match Better Valencia is a partner of Invest in VLC and with that we can help companies to establish themselves quickly and efficiently.
Also, this year, the Valencia Digital Summit took place in October in the City of Arts & Sciences. More than 20,000 participants contributed to this event where startups present their company, exchange knowledge, find investors and enter partnerships.
Are you also thinking about investing in Valencia, setting up a company or opening a branch? We at Match Better Valencia are happy to help you get in touch with interesting parties, find a suitable location, arrange paperwork and search for staff.
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